2023 Publications

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Multimodal Context-Based Continuous Authentication

Published in 2023 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 2023

We present a new multimodal, context-based dataset for continuous authentication. The dataset contains 27 subjects, with an age range of [8, 72], where data has been collected across multiple sessions while the subjects are watching videos meant to elicit an emotional response. Collected data includes accelerometer data, heart rate, electrodermal activity, skin temperature, and face videos. We also propose a baseline approach for fair comparisons when using the proposed dataset. The approach uses a combination of a pretrained backbone network with supervised contrastive loss for face. Time-series features are also extracted, from the physiological signals, which are used for classification. This approach, on the proposed dataset, results in an average accuracy, precision, and recall of 76.59%, 88.90, and 53.25, respectively, on electrical signals, and 90.39%, 98.77, and 75.71, respectively on face videos.

Recommended citation: S. Aathreya, M. Chaudhary, T. Neal and S. Canavan, "Multimodal Context-Based Continuous Authentication," 2023 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/IJCB57857.2023.10448626.
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Analysis of the evolution of COVID-19 disease understanding through temporal knowledge graphs

Published in Front. Res. Metr. Anal., 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the inefficient use of existing biological knowledge and the lack of assimilation and analysis of new information as barriers to rapid response. Overcoming these challenges could revolutionize global preparedness for future pandemics. This article introduces a novel knowledge graph application that serves as both a repository and an analytics platform, extracting time-sensitive insights to understand disease dynamics and researchers’ evolving knowledge, demonstrated through the analysis of COVID-19 scholarly articles.

Recommended citation: Negro A, Montagna F, Teng MN, Neal T, Thomas S, King S and Khan R (2023) "Analysis of the evolution of COVID-19 disease understanding through temporal knowledge graphs." Front. Res. Metr. Anal. 8:1204801. doi: 10.3389/frma.2023.1204801
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