The Cyber Identity and Behavior Research (CIBeR) Lab is part of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. The lab conducts research on applying AI, mobile device sensing, and human-centered computing to enhance the usability of cybersecurity systems and study human behavior in interdisciplinary contexts, such as mental health. Our research projects include:

Inclusive Cybersecurity Through the Lens of Accessible Identity and Access Management (I-CLAIM)

Continuous User Authentication on Everyday Devices

Mobile Biometrics

Current Students

Joining the Lab

Currently, we do not have funding and can only welcome you if you have a fellowship.

Interested Ph.D. Students

Ph.D. students with experience in one or more of the following research areas are encouraged to send their application materials (listed below) to Dr. Neal via e-mail.

Ph.D students must be able and willing to:

Interested Ph.D. students should submit the following materials via e-mail for consideration.

Interested Masters Students

M.S. students seeking a thesis advisor are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Neal no later than the middle of their first semester in the M.S. program.

Interested Undergraduate Students

If you are an undergraduate student interested in gaining hands-on research experience, you should strongly consider enrolling in one of the following courses to facilitate your involvement in our lab:

For Computer Science and Computer Engineering Majors:

For Information Technology and Cybersecurity Majors:

Important Considerations: