CAP 4103/CAP 6101

Mobile Biometrics, University of South Florida, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 1900

Topics include foundations of biometric systems, mobile biometric modalities and features, and adversary attacks.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to develop students’:

  1. knowledge of biometric foundations.
  2. understanding of behavioral and physical biometric modalities.
  3. knowledge of data acquisition techniques on mobile platforms.
  4. abilities to build and evaluate a biometric system.
  5. abilities to relate classwork to published literature.
  6. awareness of spoofing and common anti-spoofing techniques.
  7. awareness of challenges in commercial systems.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. define the modules and properties of biometric systems.
  2. compare biometric modalities.
  3. collect and preprocess biometric data.
  4. implement a biometric system.
  5. identify prominent themes in published literature.
  6. identify various vulnerabilities in biometric systems.
  7. communicate practical challenges.

Course Calendar

1Biometric Foundations
2Introduction to Python
3Overview of Machine Learning Algorithms
4Performance Measures
5Fusion & Multimodality
6Face Recognition
7Local Binary Patterns & Principal Component Analysis
8Keystroke and Touch Dynamics & Gait and Movement Recognition
9Project Overview and Discussion
10Spring Break
11Fingerprint Recognition
12Soft Biometrics
14Biometric System Attacks
15Biometric Applications
16Test Free Week and Guest Lectures
17Project Presentations

Graded Items

  • Project: 40%
  • Essay: 30%
  • Homework: 20%
  • Participation and Engagement: 10%